Historical Photos

Gallery 4

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De Valera in his Glory

Dev speaking to a crowd, circa 1917.

An Older de Valera

Dev later in life.

De Valera

Another photo of Dev later in life.

Tom Barry

A friend to Collins and part of the IRA's Flying Column Unit in West Cork.

Arthur Griffith

Arthur Griffith, the founder of Sinn Féin.

Griffith and Collins

Michael Collins and Arthur Griffith posing together, probably before the Treaty negotiations.

Griffith at the Time of the Treaty

Arthur Griffith shortly after the Treaty was signed. Much like Collins, Griffith also looks tired and stressed.

Collins as a Politician

Collins and his fellow delegates negotiating the Anglo-Irish Treaty.

Eamonn Duggan

Part of the Irish delegation.

Robert Barton

Part of the Irish delegation.

George Gavan Duffy

Part of the Irish delegation.

Erskine Childers

Secretary for the Irish delegation.

The Treaty Powerhouse

Left to right: Prime Minister David Lloyd-George, Lord Birkenhead and Winston Churchill.

David Lloyd George

British Prime Minister and part of the English delegation.

Lord Birkenhead

A friend to Collins and part of the English delegation.

Sir Austen Chamberlain

Part of the English delegation.

Winston Churchill

Future British Prime Minister and part of the English delegation.

Sir Hamar Greenwood

Part of the English delegation.

Griffith's Funeral

Michael Collins serving as a pallbearer at Arthur Griffith's funeral in August of 1922.

Collins' Real Signature

One example of Collins' own signature in Irish.

Real Signature 2

Another sample of Collins' signature in Irish.

Real Signature 3

Collins' own signature in English.

William Butler Yeats

Talented poet whose works sometimes described Irish history and politics.